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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-09-02 09:37:02   作者:贴心姐妹网



通过今年的「支持家长津贴」项目(Parents Reaching Out Grants﹐简称PRO)﹐省府将投资于2,200间学校﹐并支援110个地区及全省性项目﹐以便学校议会(school councils)﹑家长参与事务委员会(Parent Involvement Committees)及与家长合作的非牟利机构等得到更多的资源﹐从而帮助家长们克服障碍,参与子女教育。


* 在子女数学学习方面向家长提供支援

* 在子女身心健康方面向家长提供资源

* 为新来移民的家长举办工作坊﹐让他们了解安省的教育制度

* 举办家庭健康夜活动﹐提倡活跃的生活方式

* 支持低收入家庭家长

* 支援原住民社区

安省教育厅厅长康德莹(Mitzie Hunter)说﹕「提供支持家长津贴﹐是促进家长参与学校社区的很好及有效的方法。家长会因为这个津贴而感到得到助力﹐找到方法支持子女取得好成绩﹐获得身心健康。」

皮尔区教育局家长参与委员会主席Harpal Kalsi说﹕「我们的家长参与委员会﹐因为得到PRO的拨款支持﹐从而能够举办一个学校议会的会议﹐让家长﹑教师、学生及社区内的各方人士聚在一起。这项拨款能加强彼此之间的联繫﹐创造合作的新机遇。」


Ontario is providing over 2,300 grants to help more parents get involved in their children's education.

This year, under the Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants program, the province is making investments in over 2,200 schools and supporting 110 regional and provincewide projects. These grants support local school councils, Parent Involvement Committees and not-for-profit organizations working with parents. This funding drives local solutions that help parents overcome barriers to getting more involved in their children's learning.

This year's PRO Grants are supporting a diverse range of projects, such as:

  • Parent support for their children's mathematics learning
  • Parent resources on mental health and well-being
  • Workshops for newcomer parents to learn about Ontario's education system
  • Family health nights to promote active lifestyles
  • Supports for parents in high-needs areas
  • Support for Indigenous communities.

Supporting parents to be involved in their children's education is part of the government's economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The four-part plan includes helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, roads, bridges and transit in Ontario's history and is investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesse s. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement.




  • More than 2,200 schools will receive a PRO Grant in 2016-17, the highest number since 2007-08. Studies show that when parents are more engaged in their children’s education, students are more likely to earn higher grades, have better behaviour and social skills, and continue their education at a higher level.
  • Since 2005, Ontario has invested over $68 million to support parent engagement initiatives.
  • Since 2006, the government has awarded over 19,500 PRO grants to school councils and 799 regional/provincial grants; a total investment of nearly $31 million.
  • In the 2015-16 school year, 2,141 school councils were approved for a PRO Grant.


(Source:The Government of Ontario)
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