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返校点心(1)鳄梨火鸡墨西哥薄卷饼(Avocado Turkey Tortilla Spirals)

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-08-30 17:38:29   作者:Avocados From Mexico
返校点心(1)鳄梨火鸡墨西哥薄卷饼(Avocado Turkey Tortilla Spirals)


1 fully ripened Avocado from Mexico halved, pitted, peeled and thinly sliced

6 small flour tortillas

1/2 cup of prepared Caesar or Ranch salad dressing

2 thinly sliced smoked deli turkey or chicken

1 1/2 cups of shredded lettuce

2 large plum tomatoes sliced lengthwise

1 tbsp lime juice


*serves 8-10



1. Brush one side of tortillas with half of the Caesar dressing.

2. Layer turkey, lettuce, tomatoes and avocado on tortillas, dividing evenly; drizzel with lime juice and remaining 1/4 cup of dressing.

3. Roll up each filled tortilla; wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least half an hour.

4. To serve: trim ends of wraps; cut remainder into 5 or 6 slices; arrange spirals on a platter.

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