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新市女子涉嫌用气枪射击精灵宝可梦GO玩家被控 警方提醒玩家注意交通安全不要擅闯私人领域

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-07-25 08:24:55   作者:贴心姐妹网


A 29-year-old woman from the Town of Newmarket has been charged after people playing Pokemon GO on Main Street in the Town of Newmarket were shot at with a pellet gun.

On Saturday, July 23, at approximately 10:30 p.m., York Regional Police received a call to 9-1-1 advising that someone was shooting at people that were playing the popular new app Pokemon GO in the area of Main Street South and Water Street. When officers arrived they were directed to a two-story apartment building on Main Street where witnesses had observed a female who had been on the roof of the building, shooting a handgun-style pellet gun. Officers attended the suspect’s residence inside the apartment building and she was taken into custody without further incident and the pellet gun was seized. It is believed that the suspect fired at least four shots at the people playing Pokemon GO, but none were struck and there were no injuries.



Patricia CHAMPAGNE, 29, Town of Newmarket


Assault With a Weapon

Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose


York Regional Police has received a number of calls from concerned citizens who have recently seen groups of people wandering and gathering in places across the region. Officers responding to these calls have found most of the people involved have been playing Pokemon GO and there has been no need for police intervention.

York Regional Police would like to remind members of the public and players that any distraction while walking on or near roadways can be hazardous. Citizens are urged to be aware of their surroundings and that large groups of people gathering in areas across our region could be Pokemon GO players.

Police are also encouraging game users to be aware of traffic signals and vehicles on roadways. Players are reminded they are not allowed to enter private property if No Trespassing signs are clearly posted. If on private property and asked to leave by the person responsible for that property, players must immediately leave. Failure to do so may be in violation of the Trespass to Property Act.

Citizens and business owners should make themselves aware of the Trespass to Property Act which can be found at the following link: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90t21

If you are concerned with people trespassing or if any criminal act is believed to have occurred please contact police right away. 

(Source: York Region Police)

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