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2016年移民计划(4)保守党批评自由党减少经济移民 新民主党批自由党削移民服务

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-03-09 07:14:36   作者:Michelle Rempel

联邦保守党移民、难民和公民事务评论员林宝莱(Michelle Rempel) 昨天批评自由党政府减少经济移民:

“It is the responsibility of the federal government to balance the needs of the Canadian economy with our humanitarian responsibilities. The 2016 Immigration Levels Plan, which was finally tabled today after much delay, indicates that the federal government will be cutting economic immigration, which was at no time communicated to Canadians during the election campaign.

 "With nearly a 250% increase to the refugee stream, Syrian refugees are still without language training and permanent housing, which the government has not explained how it will pay for. Cuts to the economic immigration stream will further compound these issues. The Liberals talk about transparency, but their actions are deceptive and misleading.

 “The Liberal government has announced that they are cutting 15,000[1] spots for federal skilled workers, 8,000 spots from caregivers, and 900 spots from business immigration streams.  They are effectively cancelling our previous Conservative government’s plan to reduce the backlog in the Caregiver Program, which included increasing our targets to 30,000 caregivers each year for a two year period.

 “These caregivers support families and the most vulnerable, and they play a vital role in Canada’s economy. What effect will this have on the backlog in caregiver applications?

 “Our previous Conservative government oversaw the highest sustained levels of economic immigration in history. The Liberals are now deliberately lowering the admissions space for immigration streams that are essential to Canada's future economic success. These cuts to economic immigration are concerning and will have an unknown impact on our Canadian economy.

 "This is just a further example of the mismanagement of the immigration file and another item to add to the list of broken promises.

 "While we were in government, Canada welcomed more than 70,000 parents and grandparents from 2012-2014. This number represents the highest level of parent and grandparent admissions in nearly two decades. Thanks to the Conservative government's Action Plan for Faster Family Reunification, the backlog was reduced by nearly 54 percent.

 "Keeping a realistic goal of 5,000 applications a year was part of our Conservative government’s initiative to be prudent managers of government.

 "It was totally irresponsible of Trudeau to promise more than his government is able to deliver.

 "This is just a further example of the mismanagement of the immigration file and another item to add to the list of broken promises."

新民主党移民、难民和公民事务评论员关慧贞:NDP批評自由黨 增移民額削援助

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