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列治文山市议会通过预算案 物业税将增加4.25%

来源:列治文山市政府   更新:2016-02-24 09:42:53   作者:贴心姐妹网

At a Special Council Meeting on February 23, Richmond Hill Council approved the 2016 Operating Budget of $156.2 million. To ensure the municipality can repair and maintain its infrastructure, an additional $15 fee will also be levied. 

“This is a responsible budget given the challenges and pressures the Town is facing,” said Mayor Dave Barrow. “Council is committed to maintaining quality services for our residents and we have spent months garnering public input and opinion as well as working with staff to ensure the lowest possible increase without impacting our community. I truly believe we’ve done everything we can.” 

The $156.2 million Operating Budget will result in a 4.25 per cent increase to the municipal portion of the total property tax bill. In addition, a special levy for 2016 of $15 was approved to fund repair and replacement of aging infrastructure (such as roads, parks and buildings). This will appear as Capital Asset Sustainability on Richmond Hill tax bills. 

Richmond Hill’s taxes only account for approximately one quarter of the total tax bill. When combined with the Region of York and school board impacts to the tax bill, Richmond Hill residents will see an overall tax rate increase of 2.57 per cent. This is equal to $136.12 in property taxes on an average home assessed at $638,000.

“Our budget is the monetary expression of our organization’s priorities, plans, commitments and responsibilities,” said Budget Chair, Regional & Local Councillor Brenda Hogg. “Our community is always changing and we need to ensure appropriate funding is available now and in the future, for the projects that matter to residents. This budget addresses immediate and long-term goals.”

Council also approved the 2016 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater budget. The nine per cent increase on water and wastewater takes effect April 1, 2016 and represents the exact increase York Region will charge Richmond Hill for these services. The nine per cent increase to the Stormwater Management Rate will increase the annual rate to $57.10 for residential properties. 

At the February 23 meeting, Council also increased the Seniors’ Tax Assistance Grant to $360 per eligible applicant.

Visit RichmondHill.ca/Budget for more information about Richmond Hill’s 2016 Budget, including a tax calculator and departmental draft budgets and presentations. 

(Source:The City of Richmond Hill)

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