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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-01-15 11:36:03   作者:鸢尾





Hey, Little Ant!

Philip and Hannah Hoos ISBN: 978-1883672546

A song in which an ant pleads with the kid who is tempted to squish it.


Arthur and the True Francine

Brown, Marc ISBN: 978-0316109499

Francine and Muffy are good friends until Muffy lets Francine take the blame for cheating on a test


Edwurd Fudwupper fibbed big

Breathed, Berke ISBN: 978-0316144254

Edwurd's little sister comes to the rescue when Edwurd's humongous fib lands him in trouble with a three eyed alien from another galaxy.



Demi ISBN: 978-0689876929

Demi draws on the King James Version of the Holy Bible, as well as other sources to tell her subject's story. By going beyond the traditional Bible, she is able to add details about Mary's childhood and to describe more fully

her role in developing the early Church.


Tanuki’s Gift

Tim Myers ISBN: 978-0761451013

One winter, a priest takes in a furry tanuki and the two become friends, but when the tanuki tries to repay the

priest, they both learn a lesson.





We respect ourselves and treat others with courtesy, dignity, and positive regard. We honour the rights

of others. We respect their belongings, the environment and the world around us.


We are accountable for all our actions. We follow through on our commitments.


We behave in a sincere, trustworthy, and truthful manner.


We strive to sense and appreciate the emotions of others, to "stand in their shoes." We demonstrate appreciation of

and concern for their feelings. We try to understand issues from their perspectives even though we may not agree

with them personally.


We are sensitive to the needs of each individual. We treat each other as we wish to be treated ourselves.

We interact with others without stereotyping, prejudice or discrimination. We stand up for human rights.


We act without being prompted by others. We are eager to do what needs to be done without having to

be told to do it. We take the first step towards the achievement of a goal.


We stick to a goal and work hard even in the face of obstacles and challenges. We complete all tasks

and assignments.


We are truthful and sincere. We ensure consistency between what we say and what we do as well as

between what we believe and how we behave.


We face challenges directly. We seek help from others when necessary. We do the right thing even when it may

be unpopular. We are able to recognize risks and danger and do not take unwise risks to gain the approval of those around us.


We maintain a positive attitude. We look on the brighter side of situations. We are able to see opportunities even in the face of adversity. We have hope for the future.

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