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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-01-15 22:13:04   作者:贴心姐妹网


Photo Courtesy The Regional Municipality of York 




The rising cost of food has dealt a blow to many household grocery budgets. The Regional Municipality of York wants to help residents fight the high cost of food without compromising nutrition.

Plan for victory

Meal planning is essential to winning the battle against high food prices. When we’re busy, we tend to spend more on less nutritious food. Planning ahead can lead to more savings and better food:

  • Prepare a weakly meal plan and shop with a list so you only buy what you need
  • Plan meatless meals to reduce grocery bills
  • Produce costs less when it is in season; think beets, cabbage, carrots and squash during the winter months
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables are a nutritious alternative
  • York Region Food Network’s Good Food Box is an affordable way to purchase fresh and nutritious produce

Knock-out waste

Uneaten leftovers, untouched produce and spoiled food account for one-third of York Region’s green bin material – that’s approximately $1,500 per household per year. Reduce waste to knock down your grocery bill:

  • Prevent food from spoiling by keeping your refrigerator set at 4˚C or colder
  • Label and date containers so you know when they were first opened
  • When restocking your pantry and refrigerator, move older items to the front so they get eaten first
  • Food such as bananas, avocados, peaches and tomatoes last longer on the counter

Win the fight with leftovers

Leftovers may get a bad rap, but when food prices soar, leftovers are an easy way to save money while eating well:

  • Uneaten food in the pot or casserole dish can be saved for another day
  • Freeze leftovers to keep them longer
  • Plan meals incorporating leftovers from the previous meal
  • Pack leftovers for lunch

If you don’t want leftovers, pay attention to the quantity of food you are preparing so you make just enough, rather than too much

York Region’s Good Food program provides resources, tips and inspiration to help families plan, prepare and enjoy good food while reducing waste, saving time and cutting back on costs. 

Visit York.ca/goodfood for information on meal planning, shopping, food storage, best before dates and leftovers. The site also includes resources for meal planning apps, ideas for getting kids involved in the kitchen and recipe sites.  

( Source: The Regional Municipality of York )


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