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多伦多史维会纪念二战结束七十周年艺术创作竞赛获奖作品(2): Piecing Together Peace

来源:多伦多史维会   更新:2016-01-01 21:56:01   作者:Josephine Guan
多伦多史维会纪念二战结束七十周年艺术创作竞赛获奖作品(2): Piecing Together Peace

图/多伦多史维会    Category: College/University    Theme: Transforming Hurt into Healing    Grand Prize Winner: Josephine Guan - Piecing Together Peace


1. In your opinion, why is the Asia-Pacific War an important part of history?

The Asia-Pacific War is an important part of history because it affected a great amount of people during that time and thereafter. Asian culture today is still marked by what has taken place over 70 years ago. The war had a great effect on politics, economy, and overall society in many parts of Asia. During that time there was a gradual shift towards communism & nationalism as a form of resistance against the Japanese. Following the war, international politics continued to shift and created unrest. International trade was also disturbed. The war also had a great physical and psychological effect on citizens of all countries involved. Families were torn apart, innocent people went through gruelling conditions and everyone feared for their safety. it is important to understand how and why we got here as Asia makes up majority of the world’s population.  International relations still remain unsettled; the memories of the older generation are passed onto their children and grandchildren. In order for a 'brighter future’, all the history needs to be brought into light for everyone to learn and not repeat.  

2. Choose one historical event or individual from WWII in Asia that was the most memorable to you and explain why.

The Rape of Nanking stands out to the most to me, as it was something that I was taught at about an early age. My family is opposed to purchasing anything Japanese (cars, electronics, food) and I wondered why. I dove into researching the story of Sino-Japanese relations. I learned about the horrifying conditions that people of all ages were put through and it was something that I have never heard of. I also learned that a formal apology of compensation was never made for what has occurred in China during the war. Being back in Beijing this summer, I am surrounded by reminders of this. Television broadcasts are made to commemorate the lives lost in the war, and many meetings and lectures are being held in preparation for the 70th anniversary of the end of WW2. Recently I learned that my grandpa’s father had been taken by the soldiers and forced to do labour, and died. It’s something that is most memorable to me as I feel like my history is connected to it.  

3. Artist Statement

The category I chose is Restoring Peace Through Dignity. I believe in order for peace to be achieved and maintained, apologies need to be made and people compensated for the suffering that occurred. The problem is that the truth isn’t blatant and younger generations are not taught enough about it. 

Everyone needs to know the truth. When history is taught to students, it will light a spark in their minds and create a desire for change. More activities like this contest can be used to education the younger generation, as it sure has encouraged me to understand more about Asia in WW2.  Asia’s history sits like a porcelain vase that has been broken – the pride that is held in it is shattered, but it is possible to piece it back together with the co-operation of all the countries and citizens involved. In the pattern of the vase depicted the vast amount of lives affected by and after the war that need to be remembered and commemorated. What has happened may be long ago in the past, but it is happened and cannot be left in the past to be forgotten. it is right to still work on fixing it instead of letting it sit untouched. The lives that have been lost 70 years ago deserve peace for today

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