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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-12-23 12:11:16   作者:贴心姐妹网

在安省,最受欢迎的男婴和女婴的名字分别是Sophia和Jackson,超越了去年的 Olivia和Liam。


  1. Sophia/Sofia/Sofiya

  2. Olivia
  3. Emma/Ema
  4. Ava/Avah
  5. Charlotte


  1. Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson/Jaxen/Jaxxon/Jaxyn
  2. Liam                                       
  3. Lucas/Lukas
  4. Jacob/Jakob/Jaycob
  5. Ethan

Sophia and Jackson are the most popular baby names in Ontario, overtaking Olivia and Liam when different spellings of similar sounding names are grouped together.

Ontario’s most popular baby names are anything but traditional when it comes to their spelling, with non-traditional spelling influencing and changing the top names in Ontario this year.

The top girls names are:   

  1. Sophia/Sofia/Sofiya
  2. Olivia
  3. Emma/Ema
  4. Ava/Avah
  5. Charlotte

The top boys names are:

  1. Jackson/Jaxon/Jaxson/Jaxen/Jaxxon/Jaxyn
  2. Liam                                       
  3. Lucas/Lukas
  4. Jacob/Jakob/Jaycob
  5. Ethan

After naming their baby, Ontario parents have up to one year to register their newborn's birth online. Through the easy-to-use 4-in-1 Newborn Bundle, they can register their child's birth and apply for their birth certificate, social insurance number and Canada child benefits, including the Ontario child benefit, in one easy step. Birth certificates ordered online are guaranteed to be mailed within 15 business days or they're free.


  • Olivia and Liam had previously been the most popular names for three years in a row.

  • ServiceOntario’s 4-in-1 Newborn Bundle was the first of its kind in Canada when it launched in 2007. Since then, more than one million newborns have been registered in Ontario using the service.
  • The Ontario child benefit provides up to $1,210 per child per year for nearly one million children to help support Ontario families.
  • More than 99.5 per cent of birth certificates ordered online have been delivered on time.



(Source: The Government of Ontario)
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