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两项纪念活动纪念蒙特利尔理工学院14名遇害女生 杜鲁多承诺采取行动终止针对女性的暴力

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-12-06 06:47:49   作者:贴心姐妹网
两项纪念活动纪念蒙特利尔理工学院14名遇害女生 杜鲁多承诺采取行动终止针对女性的暴力

图/杜鲁多推特    14束光纪念蒙特利尔理工学院枪杀案14名遇害女学生


26年前,Marc Lépine在蒙特利尔理工学院枪杀了14名女生、射伤14人后自杀。他在枪杀事件中大声喊叫:女权主义者损害了他的生活。

Mount Royal举行的纪念活动上,14束光射向天空,表示对14名受害者的纪念。




今天是全国纪念和对针对女性暴力采取行动日(National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women),杜鲁多和反对党领袖都发表了声明,均对针对女性的暴力表示关注。





“我坚信,我们共同采取行动将能建设一个尊重和平等对待妇女和女孩以及拒绝任何形式的针对她们的暴力的社会。” 他最后在声明中说。




“Today, it is important for us to reflect on all of the women and girls, both here in Canada and abroad, for whom violence is a daily reality, and to mourn those who have died as a result.

“This day is held in remembrance of the 14 young women who were murdered on this date in 1989 at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal for no other reason than being women. It is with a heavy heart that I join the families and friends of those promising young women here in Montréal today to mourn their tragic loss.

“This was a senseless act of violence that shocked the nation and remains, to this day, one of the darkest periods in Canadian history.

“Sadly on any given day in Canada, approximately 8,000 women and children are housed in shelters, largely for reasons of abuse.(令人悲伤的是,在加拿大,每一天都有约8000名妇女和孩子住在庇护所,大部分是因为受虐待) That is why we need to raise awareness of this flagrant violation of basic human rights, help prevent it, and support the victims who have experienced it, both at home and around the world.

“One of the major initiatives I have committed to here at home is launching an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls to recommend concrete actions to address and prevent violence against them. We will also introduce legislation that will provide greater support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.(我采取的主要行动之一是承诺推出对原住民妇女和女孩失踪和被谋杀事件进行公开调查,并提出如何解决和防止这类暴力的具体行动的建议。我们也将推出立法,对家庭暴力和性侵犯幸存者提供更强的支持。)

“We all have an important role to play in stopping violence against women and girls, and in denouncing misogyny in all its forms. Like all parents, I want my daughter to grow up in a safe community and a safe world. I therefore urge all Canadians to make a commitment to stopping this degrading and dangerous behaviour. (我们所有人都有责任制止针对妇女和女孩的暴力和谴责任何形式的厌女症。像所有的父母,我要我的女儿在一个安全的社区和安全的世界里成长,所以我呼吁所有加拿大人承诺制止贬低女性和危害女性的行为)

“I am confident that by taking action and working together we can build a society that respects women and girls as equals and repudiates all forms of violence against them.”(我坚信,我们共同采取行动将能建设一个尊重和平等对待妇女和女孩以及拒绝任何形式的针对她们的暴力的社会)


"Today marks the 26th anniversary of the murder of 14 young women at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. It is a solemn day to remember the victims of this senseless attack, a dark day in our country's past which we must never forget.

 "Today should not only be about remembering. It should be about standing together to take action. Ending violence against women is a shared responsibility. It takes concrete action from all of us - governments, the justice system, media, private sector, community organizations and everyday citizens.(这需要所有人采取具体的行动,不管是政府、司法系统、媒体、私营企业、社区组织还是民众)

"Whatever action we take, we must extend a hand to men and boys, along with women and girls to help make a lasting change.

"As Canadians, let us use this time of remembrance to speak out against inexcusable acts of violence against women."


“December 6th marks the 26th anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre, the dark day in our nation’s history when 14 women were murdered and others injured simply because they were women.

Today, we remember the victims of this despicable act of violence and remind their loved ones that our hearts are with them all.

Since 1989, violence against women has remained unacceptably high, both in Canada and around the world. Today, we reiterate our commitment to ending the persisting disproportionate violence against women and girls in Canada.

There remains much to be done to eradicate violence against women and girls in Canada. As the country’s progressive opposition, New Democrats will hold the Liberal government to its promise of a national action plan to fight gender-based violence. The government must also adequately invest in Canada’s network of shelters and transitional and supportive housing for women.(政府应投资为妇女建造庇护所、过渡性和支持性的住房。)

Rest assured, the NDP will continue to work hard every day in the House of Commons to build a Canada where women and girls can live without fear of violence.”

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