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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2015-10-30 11:11:51   作者:多伦多市政府

明天就是万圣节了, 是孩子们外出挨家讨糖的快乐时光。



Avoid slips, trips and falls 

• Check the costume's size to ensure a snug fit, with the costume no longer than ankle length. 

• Consider makeup instead of a mask for a child. Masks can restrict vision and make it difficult to see approaching traffic. 

• Turn on your porch light and clear walkways of clutter. 

Prevent fires 

• Keep candles, matches and lighters away from children. 

• Keep lit pumpkins away from drapes, decorations or other flammable objects. 

• Consider lighting your pumpkin with an LED light instead of a candle flame. 

Be visible 

• Carry a flashlight. 

• Attach a strip of reflective tape to your child's costume. 

• Wear light-coloured clothing instead of primarily dark colours. 

Plan ahead to stay warm and dry 

• Send your child out in layers of clothing – an extra layer under the costume will make a difference if a child is outside for an extended period. 

• Place a hat and mitts in the bottom of your child's treat bag in case they are needed. 

Follow basic safety rules 

• Supervise small children when they are crossing a road. 

• Wait for cars to come to a complete stop before starting to walk across the street at a stop sign, crosswalk or traffic light. 

• Plan a meeting spot in advance in case friends/family members who are out together become separated. 

• Check treats for signs of tampering, or for candy that appears likely to be a potential choking hazard for your child. 


Always walk -- do not run from house to house

Use costumes with bright fabrics or reflective tape or carry a flashlight to ensure you can be seen at all times

Walk on sidewalks and not on the street

If a sidewalk is unavailable, walk on the left side of the street facing traffic

Review all appropriate trick-or-treating safety precautions, including pedestrian/traffic safety rules prior to your trick-or-treating adventure. 

Drivers beware! Watch out for the goblins, witches and ghouls! Children are excited about Halloween and may forget safety rules. When driving in residential areas, remember to follow these safety precautions:

Be alert, slow down and watch out for trick-or-treaters

Avoid any and all distractions

Yield to crossing pedestrians, especially when turning

Always keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.

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