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新民主党自由党绿党愿意讨论和处理彻底平反“人头税”问题 保守党没有回答平权会问卷提问

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-10-09 11:14:37   作者:贴心姐妹网
新民主党自由党绿党愿意讨论和处理彻底平反“人头税”问题 保守党没有回答平权会问卷提问

图/贴心姐妹网资料图片    安省华裔人头税家属联盟副主席李林霞英在2012年的一次活动中手举父亲当年交纳500元“人头税”的证明



在回答平权会的问卷时,新民主党还表示支持对中国采取一个全面的政策,将人权问题作为该政策的一部分;而自由党表示将采取更开放的移民政策,包括对家庭团聚移民的政策;绿党则承诺实施“就业平等法”( Employment Equity Act),以提升少数族裔在联邦公务员队伍中的代表性。



Question 1. Inclusive Head Tax Redress.

The Canadian Government offered a Parliamentary Apology in 2006 which included direct redress to 785 living head tax payers and surviving spouses. However, about 3,000Chinesehead tax families are excluded from the direct redress announcement because the head tax payer and spouse in these families had both passed away. CCNC and groups representing the head tax families take the position that all head tax families directly  experienced  theChineseHeadTax,  Newfoundland  Head  Tax  and ChineseExclusion  Act  and therefore call on the Government of Canada to commit to good faith negotiations to finally resolve this issue in  the  spirit  of  "one  head  tax  certificate,  one  claim."  What  is  your  Party's  position  on  inclusive  head  tax redress? Will your Party commit to meeting with CCNC and groups representing the head tax families to negotiate a fair resolution to this outstanding issue?

NDP  Response: An  NDP  government  will  meet  with  the  Chinese  Canadian  National  Council  and  groups representing the head tax families to hear their concerns and to negotiate a fair resolution to this issue.

Question 2. Immigration.

Canadais  reliant  on  immigration  for  net  labour  force  gains  and  by  extension,  for  maintaining  our  living standards. What is your Party's view on expanding the current annual immigration target range of 260,000 to 285,000 permanent residents to a new annualtarget of 1% of the Canadian population or about 360,000 people? What is your Party's proposed annual target range for family class immigration for the next 3 years, and specifically for parents and grandparents?

NDP Response: New Democrats believe that new Canadians have always made our country stronger. Immigration can continue to help us build thriving communities and a 21st-century workforce. We will work with the provinces, territories and communities to determine the appropriate levels and balance ofimmigration.

Question 3. Canada-ChinaRelationship.

CCNC favours a holistic Canada-Chinarelationship, one that emphasizes a frank and respectful dialogue on human rights. CCNC has supported local groups advocating for the democratic aspirations of HongKong and  dialogue  efforts  between  local  Tibetan  and  Chinese  Canadian  communities.  What  is  your  Party's position on advocating for human rights in China and what specific initiatives does your Party propose to support this position?

NDP Response: New Democrats believe that Canadian foreign policy should reflect Canadian values, with human rights  at  the  core.  In  line  with  that  general  principle,  the  New  Democratic  Party  of  Canada  supports  meaningful dialogue between Canada and China on all issues, including human rights. The  NDP  successfully  proposed  a  parliamentary  study  on  the  situation  in  Hong  Kong  during  and  following  the Umbrella  Movement.  This  study  produced  unanimous  recommendations  calling  on  the  government  to  support universal democratic suffrage in Hong Kong, dialogue on governance reforms, and established agreements and principles guiding Chinese-Hong Kong relations. An NDP government would implement these recommendations. NDP Foreign Affairs Critic Paul Dewar also proposed a motion in the House of Commons supporting democracy and human rights in Hong Kong, which was adopted by unanimous consent. The NDP successfully proposed a parliamentary motion in 2007 calling for the PRC and Tibet's government-in-exile to continue engaging in "dialogue in a forward-looking manner that will lead to pragmatic solutions that respect the Chinese constitutional framework, the territorial integrity of China and fulfill the aspirations of the Tibetan people for a unified and genuinely autonomous Tibet”. An NDP government will support dialogue between the Government of China and representatives of the Dalai Lama leading to negotiations for a peaceful resolution of the Tibet issue.

Question 4. Employment Initiatives.

The  unemployment  rates  experienced  by  newcomer  and  racialized  communities  are  higher  that  of  the general labour force. Newcomers also experience additional barriers such as credentials recognition and lack of networks.What specific initiatives does your Party proposeto improve the employment opportunities for newcomers and racialized communities?

NDP  Response: Ithas  become clear that helping  new  immigrants has  not  been  a  priority  of  the  Conservative government. It failed to spend nearly $30 million that was set aside to help new Canadians get their credentials recognized. In fact, recognition of foreign credentials remains the number one barrier to obtaining employment in Canada, according to the government’s own Panel on the Employment Challenges of New Canadians.An NDP government will help newcomers to get their skills and credentials recognized, obtain Canadian experience, and achieve the remuneration their skills and education deserve. We will restore the $30 million in funding for the Foreign  Credential  Recognition  Program;  offer  grants  to  professional  bodies  to  develop  harmonized  national standards with a single point of contact; expand the practice of orientation sessions in visa offices to educate and support  potential  immigrants;  and  create  an  awareness  campaign  for  employers  to  encourage  them  to  give immigrants their first opportunity.

Question 5. Temporary Foreign Workers.

Employers  have  been  hiring  temporary  foreign  workers  in  places  where  unemployment  rates  have  been consistently high. This hiring has taken place in urban areas and even for low-wage/entry-level positions. What will your Party do to ensure that employment opportunities are offered to Canadians first? Will your Party consider imposing a temporary moratorium or restriction on approvals of low-waged TFWs in urban areas or in areas with high unemployment, and encourage businesses to hire, train and retain unemployed Canadians?

NDP Response: The Liberals and Conservatives have consistently mismanaged the Temporary Foreign Worker program. Instead of bringing workers to Canada as immigrants, with the possibility of becoming citizens, the Liberals and Conservatives preferred to bring them in as temporary workers, with fewer rights and being far more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. In fact, the Conservatives systematically removed pathways to citizenship for temporary workers.The Conservatives also allowed the program to drive up unemployment for Canadians and drive down wages, letting employers  pay  temporary  foreign  workers  15%  less  than  Canadians.  The  result  has  been  employers  laying  off Canadians to hire temporary foreign workers.The NDP believes that this is absolutely unacceptable. We will review the program and ensure that it is fixed to eliminate any possibility of employer abuse. We will also invest an additional $1.5 billion in training for Canadians.

Question 6. Employment Equity.

The federal public sector workforce including the public service, armed forces, RCMP, and federal crown corporations is not representative of the diverse workforce ofCanada. What specific plans will your Party implement in order to achieve concrete results in visible minority hiring, promotion and retention in the public sector? What specific measures does your Party propose to concretely improve the representation of visible minorities in the senior ranksof the public sector?

NDP Response: A public workforce that represents the diversity of the country is a priority for the NDP. We have always  been  committed  to  diversity  within  our  own  party  and  caucus,  developing  measures  to  promote  the recruitment of visible minority candidates. An NDP government will work with stakeholders to determine the best measures to improve visible minority hiring, promotion and retention in the public sector.


1. What is your Party's position on inclusive head tax redress? Will your Party commit to meeting with CCNC and groups representing the head tax families to negotiate a fair resolution to this outstanding issue?

Canadians are proud of our history of welcoming immigrants from all parts of the world. However, we haven’t always been at our best. We have had many failures. For each and every one of these, we look back with regretand shame. Liberals know that the head tax of 1885 and that the Chinese Exclusion Act was wrong.

Canadians must learn from these dark chapters of our past. The Canada we all cherish must stand for the opposite of those dark moments. A Liberal government is committed to meeting with CCNC and other relevant organizations to maintain an ongoing dialogue towards reconciliation.

We are proud of the efforts we have made as a nation to learn from our past mistakes. Liberals believe that Canada has flourishedbecause of people coming to Canada from every corner of the world and choosing to work hard to build success for themselves, their families, and their communities. The result has been a Canada that is strong—not in spite of—but because of our differences.

**Les Canadiens sont fiers de leur tradition d’accueil de nouveaux arrivants du monde entier. Cependant, nous n’avons pas toujours fait ce qu’il y avait de mieux et avons souvent échoué à ce chapitre. Revenir sur chacun de ces épisodes est un sujet de regret et de honte. Nous savons que la taxe d’entrée et la loi d’exclusion des Chinois ont été une erreur.

Les Canadiens doivent tirer les leçons de ces chapitres sombres de leur passé. Le Canada que nous chérissons tous est à l’opposé de ces moments sombres. Un gouvernement libéral s’engage à se réunir avec le CNCC et d’autres organismes intéressés pour poursuivre le dialogue continu menant à la réconciliation.

Nous sommes fiers des efforts consentis en tant que nation pour tirer les leçons de nos erreurspassées. Le Canada a prospéré parce que des gens des quatre coins du monde sont venus s’y établir et ont décidé de travailler avec acharnement pour assurer leur réussite, celle de leur famille et celle de leur collectivité. Cette approche a contribué à faire du Canada un pays fort non pas en dépit de nos différences, mais grâce à celles-ci.  

 2. What is your Party's view on expanding the current annual immigration target range of 260,000 to 285,000 permanent residents to a new annual target of 1% of theCanadian population or about 360,000 people? What is your Party's proposed annual target range for family class immigration for the next 3 years, and specifically for parents and grandparents?

A Liberal government will bring real change to Canada’s immigration system so it is focused on compassion, economic opportunity, and family reunification. We believe that when Canadians have supports –including family –it helps to drive our productivity and economic growth, while strengthening the middle class. Wealso know that immigration is critical to job creation and long-term economic growth for the middle class. 

A Liberal government will make family reunification one of its core immigration priorities, because when families are able to stay together, theirintegration to Canada and ability to work and grow their communities all improve. Immediate steps to increase the overall number of immigrants to Canada will include:

•Nearly doubling the budget for family class immigration processing, in order to restoreprocessing times to the levels achieved before the Harper decade;

•Doubling the number of new applications allowed each year, for parents and grandparents, from 5,000 to 10,000. These are direct sponsorships and do not include spouses;

•Providing greater access to applicants with Canadian siblings, by granting additional points under the Express Entry system. We will also conduct a review of the program, ensuring that processing times are efficient;

•Restoring the maximum age for dependents to 22 instead of19, allowing Canadians –often live-in caregivers –to bring their children to Canada;

•Granting immediate permanent residency to new spouses entering Canada, rather than imposing a two-year conditional status that puts spouses –often women –in a position of extreme vulnerability; and

•We will repeal the unfair elements of Bill C-24 that create second-class citizens and the elements that make it more difficult for hard-working immigrants to become Canadian citizens.

Further, we will restore the residencytime credit for foreign students and other temporary residents applying to become Canadian citizens. We will make changes to the Canadian Experience Class to reduce the barriers to immigration that have been imposed on international students. These and other measures will help grow the number of permanent residents in Canada. We will also reverse the roadblocks that the Harper Conservatives have needlessly added to the immigration system –roadblocks that have created unnecessary inconveniences and costs for Canadians and Canadian businesses.

**Un gouvernement libéral apportera de vrais changements au système d’immigration du Canada de sorte que ce système soit centré sur la compassion, les débouchés économiques et la réunification familiale. Nous estimonsque, quand les Canadiennes et les Canadiens ont lʼappui nécessaire, comme recevoir lʼaide dʼun membre de la famille, cʼest un pas en avant pour notre productivitéet pour la croissance économique. Nous savons également que lʼimmigration est cruciale àla création dʼemplois et àla croissance durable d’une économie favorable àla classe moyenne.

Un gouvernement libéral fera de la réunification des familles l’une de ses priorités essentielles en matière d’immigration, car lorsque les familles peuvent rester ensemble, leur intégration au Canada est facilitée et leur capacité à travailler et à renforcer leurs communautés s’améliore. Les mesures qui seront prises immédiatement pour augmenter le nombre global d’immigrants au Canada incluront :

•Presque le doublement du budget consacré au traitement des demandes dans la catégorie du regroupement familial, de manière à ce que les délais de traitement reviennent aux niveaux atteints avant la décennie de pouvoir de M. Harper.

•Le doublement du nombre de nouvelles demandes acceptées chaque année pour les parents et les grands-parents, qui passeront de 5 000 à 10 000. Ces demandes sont des parrainages directs et n’incluent pas les conjoints.

•L’amélioration de l’accès des demandeurs ayant des frères ou sœurs canadiens en leur accordant des points en vertu du système Entrée express. Nous procéderons également à une évaluation du programme pour veiller à ce que les délais de traitement soient adéquats.

•Le retour de l’âge maximal des personnes à charge à 22 ans au lieu de 19 ans, ce qui permettra à des Canadiens    notamment des Canadiennes qui sont souvent des aides familiales résidentes d’amener leurs enfants au Canada.

•L’octroi du statut de résident permanent aux nouveaux conjoints qui arrivent au Canada au lieud’imposer une période de résidence conditionnelle de deux années qui place les conjoints –souvent des femmes –dans une position de vulnérabilité extrême.

•L’annulation des dispositions injustes du projet de loi C-24 qui crée des citoyens de seconde classe, ainsi que des éléments qui rendent les démarches pour obtenir la citoyenneté canadienne plus difficiles pour les immigrants qui travaillent fort.

En outre, nous rétablirons le crédit de temps de résidence pour les étudiants étrangers et autres résidents temporaires qui demandent à devenir des citoyens canadiens. Nous apporterons des changements à la catégorie de l’expérience canadienne pour réduire les obstacles à l’immigration qui sont imposés aux étudiants étrangers. Ces mesures, tout comme d’autres, permettront d’augmenter le nombre de résidents permanents au Canada. De plus, nous éliminerons les obstacles que les conservateurs de M. Harper ont ajoutés sans raison au système d’immigration –des obstacles qui provoquent des contretemps et des frais inutiles pour les Canadiens et les entreprises canadiennes.

3.  What is your Party's position on advocating for human rights in China and what specific initiatives does your Party propose to support this position?

The Liberal Party of Canada has always been a strong advocate for human rights in China and will continue to advocate for the respect of human and civil rights and we have taken diplomatic opportunities to raise human rights issues with Chinese officials at the highest levels. We would like to see China strengthen its role as an active member of the international community and improve human rights.

**Le Parti libéral du Canada a toujours été un ardent défenseur des droits de la personne en Chine et il continuera de prôner le respect des droits de la personne et des droits civils. Nous avons déployé des efforts diplomatiques afin d’aborder la question des droits de la personne avec les plus hautes instances chinoises. Nous aimerions que la Chine renforce son rôle de membre actif de la communauté internationale et qu’elle respecte davantage les droits de la personne.

4. What specific initiatives does your Party propose to improve the employment opportunities for newcomers and racialized communities?

Many skilled immigrants cannot get a job in their chosen field despite the fact that they are coming to Canada with higher qualifications than ever before. There is clear evidence that recent immigrants to Canada are not succeeding in the same way immigrants did 20 years ago and better foreign credential recognition would help reverse this trend. Because many skilled immigrants cannot get a job in their chosen field, it is taking much longer for them to catch up to Canadians with similar levels of education and expertise, resulting in low incomelevels. At the same time, employers are suffering a shortage of specific skills and Canada’s aging population will create shortages in the future. Liberals would provide leadership on the issue of internationally trained workers and bring the provinces, provincial regulatory bodies, educational institutions, employers, unions together to improve foreign credentials recognition.

We must aggressively court skilled immigrants who, now more than ever, are being sought after by our competitor countries. Identifying the kinds of skills we need from immigrants is an important step, but it must not come at the cost of things that encourage potential immigrants. We understand the likelihood of successful family reunification plays a large role in the decision-making process of many skilled immigrants; we need to make sure they know Canada will welcome their families. The processing times for family reunification has skyrocketed under the Conservative government. We will restore Canada’s international reputation as acountry that openly welcomes newcomers and work to ensure that immigrants to Canada are reunited with their families in a timely, compassionate manner.

**De nombreux immigrants qualifiés n’arrivent pas à trouver un emploi dans leur domaine malgré le faitqu’ils arrivent aux Canada avec des compétences plus pointues que jamais. Les faits montrent clairement que les nouveaux immigrants au Canada ne réussissent pas de la même manière que les immigrants d’il y a 20 ans. Une meilleure reconnaissance des titresde compétence étrangers contribuerait à renverser cette tendance. Comme de nombreux immigrants ne trouvent pas de travail dans leur domaine, il leur faut beaucoup plus de temps pour se hisser au même niveau que les Canadiennes et Canadiens qui possèdent une formation et une expérience semblables, ce qui fait que leurs revenus sont moins élevés. Parallèlement, les employeurs font face à une pénurie de main-d’œuvre qualifiée et la population vieillissante du Canada entraînera également une pénurie dans l’avenir. Un gouvernement libéral fera preuve de leadership dans le dossier des travailleurs formés à l’étranger et rassemblera les provinces, les organismes provinciaux de réglementation, les établissements d'enseignement, les employeurs et les syndicats afin d’améliorer le processus de reconnaissance des titres de compétence étrangers.

Nous devons prendre des mesures rigoureuses pour attirer des immigrants qualifiés qui, maintenant plus que jamais, sont également recherchés par des pays concurrents. Il est important de définir les compétences dont nous avons besoin de la part des immigrants, mais les mesures ne doivent pas décourager ni dissuader les immigrants potentiels. Nous comprenons que la possibilité de la réunification familiale joue un rôle important dans la décision de bon nombre d’immigrants qualifiés. Nous devons nous veiller à ce que les immigrants sachent que le Canada accueillera leur famille. Les temps d'attente pour la réunification familiale ont explosé sous le gouvernement conservateur. Nous rétablirons la réputation du Canada à l’échelle internationale en tant que pays qui accueille généreusement les nouveaux arrivants, et nous ferons preuve de compassion à l’égard des immigrants au Canada, en faisant en sorte de réunir ces derniers avec les membres de leur famille dans des délais raisonnables.

5. What will your Party do to ensure that employment opportunities are offered to Canadians first? Will your Party consider imposing a temporary moratorium or restriction on approvals of low-waged TFWs in urban areas or in areas with high unemployment, and encourage businesses to hire, train and retain unemployed Canadians?

The Harper government’s ongoing mismanagement of the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program has undermined the effectiveness and integrity of the program, as well as eroded the public confidence in its legitimacy. Recent rushed, and politically motivated, changes have failed to fix the significant problems the Harper government has created.  The Liberal Party has a comprehensive plan to restore public confidence in the TFWP and to return it to its original purpose, filling jobs when qualified Canadians cannot be found.

Our five point plan will create more pathways to citizenship for foreign workers; call in the Auditor-General to review the program; strengthen the Labour Market Opinion process; disclose which jobs are being offered to temporary foreign workers in each community; and require every employer to undertake a search for Canadian workers first, particularly young workers.

**La constante mauvaise gestion du Programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires (PTET) par le gouvernement Harper a miné l’efficacité et l’intégrité du programme, en plus d’avoir érodé la confiance du public dans sa légitimité. Des changements récents, à motivation politique et effectués de façon précipitée, n’ont pas réussi à résoudre les importants problèmes causés par le gouvernement Harper. Le Parti libéral a un plan exhaustif pour rétablir la confiance du public dans le PTET et à lui redonner son mandat d’origine : pourvoir des postes pour lesquels il n’y a pas de candidat canadien qualifié.

Notre plan en cinq points ouvrira plus grande la porte à la citoyenneté pour les travailleurs étrangers; demandera au vérificateur général d’examiner le programme; renforcera le processus d’approbation de l’avis relatif au marché du travail; divulguera des renseignements sur les emplois offerts aux travailleuses et travailleurs étrangers temporaires dans chaque communauté; et exigera que tous les employeurs mènent en premier lieu de vastes recherches pour trouver des travailleuses et travailleurs canadiens, notamment des jeunes.

6. What specific plans will your Party implement in order to achieve concrete results in visible minority hiring, promotion and retention in the public sector? What specific measures does your Party propose to concretely improve the representation of visible minorities in the senior ranks of the public sector?

Liberals know that our country is enriched, and our government is more effective, when decision-makers at the leadership level accurately represent Canada’s diversity. Canadians are fortunate to live in one of the most diverse countries in the world; a country that is strong not in spite of its diversity, but precisely because of it. Liberals understand that we cannot do a good job of representing communities in Ottawa if we do not ourselves reflect the diversity we find at home.

A Liberal Cabinet will have an equal number of women and men. We will also adopt a federal government-wide open and merit-based appointments process, which will ensure gender parity and that more Indigenous Peoples and minority groups are reflected in positions of Leadership(自由党内阁成员中男女部长人数将对半。在聘任领导职位人员时,将采取开放和择优录用的程序,以确保处于领导职位的男性和女性人数对半,并确保原住民和少数族裔的代表性).

**Les libéraux savent que notre pays est enrichi, et notre gouvernement est plus efficace, lorsque les décisions de nos dirigeants représentent fidèlement la diversité du Canada. Les Canadiens ont la chance de vivre dans l’un des pays les plus diversifiés du monde, un pays qui est grand non pas en dépit de sa diversité, mais grâceà celle-ci. Les libéraux comprennent que nous ne pouvons tout simplement pas représenter utilement nos communautés à Ottawa si nous ne sommes pas nous-mêmes à l’image de la diversité de nos milieux respectifs.

Un cabinet libéral sera composé d’un nombre égal d’hommes et de femmes. Nous adopterons également, à l’échelle du gouvernement, un processus de nomination ouvert et basé sur le mérite pour assurer l’égalité des sexes, ainsi que la présence d’un plus grand nombre d’Autochtones et d’autres groupes minoritaires dans des positions de leadership.


1. What is your Party's position on inclusive head tax redress Will your Party commit to meeting with CCNC and groups representing the head tax families to negotiate a fair resolution to this out standing issue?

Legislated racism in Canada is anundeniable historical fact, and continued government inaction on the outstanding issue of inclusive head tax redress deepens our societal shame and perpetuates a terrible injustice. The Green Party is committed to meeting with the CCNC and other groups representing the head tax families, to help support any effort to swiftly negotiate a fairre solution to this outstanding issue.

2. What is your Party's view on expanding the current annual immigration target range of 260,000 to 285,000permanent residents to a new annual target of 1% of the Canadian population or about 360,000 people?What is your Party's proposed annual target range for family class immigration for the next 3 years,and specifically forparents and grandparents?

Those who come to live and work in Canada have a right to an efficient and predictable path to citizenship for themselves and their families.To deny reunification of families is cruel and incompatible with Canadian values. It denies new Canadians full participation in our society by preventing them from building the social support networks that we all rely upon our families. Greens support immigration reform with a view to making family reunification a priority. We must also reform our immigration system to maximize the chances of successful settlement for all new Canadians.

The Green Party will increase funding for ESL/FSL programs and other settlement programming for new Canadians. The Green Party strongly supports expanding our annual immigration rate, and implementing policies that will ensure that opportunities for new immigrants grow accordingly.

3. What is your Party's position on advocating for human rights in China and what specific initiatives does your Party propose to support this position?

TheGreen Party has consistently spoken out for protecting human rights in Canada and abroad. We are proud of our strong stand emphasizing human rights, and a Green government would rebuild Canada’s role internationally as a international human rights leader. We will restore the capacity for superb diplomacy, a traditional Canadian strength. The Green Party supports the democratic aspirations of Hong Kong and a peaceful dialogue between local Tibetan and Chinese communities that recognizes Tibet’s autonomy. We believe all aspects of the Canada China relationship, including trade and economic cooperation, must be based in a mutual respect for human rights. Canada must not shy away from a frank dialogue with China about these issues.

4. Whats pecific initiatives does your Party propose to improve the employment opportunitiesfornewcomersandracializedcommunities?

Employment disparities between new Canadians and the rest of the country run counter to the Canadian vision of a multicultural and equitable society. There is a huge mismatch between the skills of new Canadians and their actual employment. Many immigrants with university degrees now work in chronically low income jobs. Formany, there is a real sense of exclusion within a society that fails to give them equal opportunity in practice. The federal government must act to support improved employment prospects for new Canadians before this gap gets even wider. Green MPs will advocateto:

●Eliminate the valuation of foreign credentials for immigration purposes except in those cases where such credentials are recognized in Canada or a clear andexpeditious path to Canadian accreditation is established, and instead establish realistic criteria for immigrants based on existing job opportunities for immigrants toCanada;

● Press professional societies to remove unnecessary barriers hindering the recognition of valid professional credentials of  immigrants;

● Ensure professionals being considered for immigration will have the licensing requirements for their professions clearly explained before entry. Landed immigrants with professional qualifications will be supported and given the opportunity to obtain Canadian licenses consistent with public safety;

● Allocate much greater funding for training in official languages(ESL and FSL) for new immigrants, knowing that many new immigrants are not fluent in either official language, through earmarked transfers to the provinces for primary and secondary public school and free night school programs;

●Enforce the Employment Equity Act to ensure that racialized immigrants and refugees have equal opportunity for adequate pay, long term employment and advancement in our society.

5. What will your Party do to ensure that employment opportunities are offered to Canadians first? Will your Party consider imposing a temporary moratorium or restriction on approvals of low-waged TFWs in urban areas or in areas with high unemployment, and encourage businesses to hire, train and retain unemployed Canadians?

Immigration is first and foremost about citizenship. The Green Party is the only federal party to have concluded that theTemporary Foreign Worker Program(TFWP) is irredeemably flawed and must be scrapped. Weak mechanisms for assessing labour shortages have allowed the TFWP to undermine wage and labour standards. At the same time, the program exploits foreign workers.

There is much more we can be doing to prepare unemployed Canadians for reentering the workforce to meet labour shortages. Greens would establish a Canadian Sustainable Generations Fund to invest in skills training, education and a National Sustainable Jobs plan that will put Canadians to work by investing in well-paying, local, and sustainable jobs in our communities.

It is unacceptable to the GreenParty, and should be unacceptable to every Canadian,that the unemployment rate among Canadian youth is twice the national average. The actual youth unemployment rate is likely much higher as many young people have given upon finding that first job and are no longer counted. Investment in Canadians kills, training, and education is aproven means to create real jobs, and is the backbone of Canada’s future as a sustainability superpower.

6. What specific plans will your Party implement in order to achieve concrete results in visible minority hiring, promotion and retention in the public sector?What specific measures does your Party propose to concretely improve the representation of visible minorities in the senior ranks of the public sector?

We view the diversity of our nation not as aliability, but rather as a shared strength and source of pride. Our public service, and the public sector more generally, should reflect the diversity of Canadian society. Greens will work with municipalities and provinces to improve the integration of new Canadians in the public sector workforce.We will study and swiftly implement the best recommendations found in the Senate Human Rights Committee’s study: “Reflecting the Changing Face of Canada: Employment Equity in the Federal Public Service.”

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[社会政治] 多伦多大学研究生院下属宿舍向学生送冥钱,平权会社会公义理事会发声明
[社会政治] 第一位跨性别人士、东亚裔和最年轻的党魁:天体物理学家库特纳出任加拿
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