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—— 对约克区教育局高中毕业生“状元”黄逸俊的专访
来源:Loving Sister   更新:2015-07-30 08:47:42   作者:Yafang Shi

Image@Jonathan Wong    Jonathan Wong

约克区Bayview Secondary School12年级学生黄逸俊以平均分99.66分的成绩毕业,成为今年约克区毕业生的“状元”。在贴心姐妹网对他的书面专访中,他表示: “我给学生(和家长)的建议是:发现你个人所爱好的事物;当你真正喜爱你做的事,你会持续有动力。喜欢你做的事,你会发现成功会来临。”


Loving Sister: What drives you to achieve excellence?

My drive to perform at school has always been internal. I am by nature a perfectionist, so I have always strived to perfect every detail of my work, whether for school or other activities. I think it is very important to be proud of the work that you do.

Loving Sister: How did you achieve your academic excellence? What extra-curriculum activities/volunteer work were you involved? How did you balance between academic studies and extra-curriculum activities/volunteer work?

I am lucky enough to have been blessed with a fairly good memory and a work ethic that I have built up since elementary school; the marks I achieved were a product of these and constant self-motivation to study and understand. My extracurricular activities at school have been mostly musical, playing clarinet and singing in the various bands and ensembles of Bayview Secondary School’s wonderful music department. In addition, I have loved playing clarinet with the Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra since 2013. I have also enjoyed playing table tennis for the past four years, both on our school team and outside of school. As for extracurricular studying, I have mostly studied mathematics and, more recently, chemistry outside of class on my own time. My volunteer work has included tutoring various subjects at school. My main volunteer effort in recent years has been bringing “Carols for Cans” to my high school: a new Christmas-season charity that involves volunteers going door-to-door singing holiday carols and collecting food donations for the less fortunate. Balancing all of these has certainly been an issue. I don’t think I was particularly good at balancing everything at once, but it is always possible to make time for what you enjoy and care about.

Image@Jonathan Wong    Jonathan Wong

Loving Sister: Looking back, what were the most important things that made who you are today?

My parents must be the most important; I am forever grateful for their continual support and encouragement in allowing me to do what I like doing, no matter what that may be. The huge number of supportive and caring teachers has also certainly pushed me to become an educator in the future; the huge amount of work that many teachers do for their students often goes unrecognized, and I am very thankful that the teachers I have known have put so much time and effort into helping us grow.

Loving Sister: What is your dream? How are you going to pursue it?

My dream is (approximately) right now to become a better musician and educator in the future. As such, I practice my music every day, and I will be entering the University of Toronto (St. George campus) this September to begin my Bachelor of Music, concentrating in Music Education. I hope to be able to inspire and provide musical opportunities for others, as has been done for me.

Loving Sister: What advice would you like to give high school students?

I believe it is important for students to find the motivation to do their best and to be proud of the work that they do – both in and outside of school. Being the best at everything is neither necessary nor possible, but everyone can find something they enjoy doing. My advice to students (and their parents) is to always discover what you personally like doing; it’s easy to stay motivated when you truly love doing the work you’re doing. Enjoy what you do, and you will likely discover that success comes readily.

@Jonathan Wong    Jonathan Wong

© Loving Sister (www.lovingsister.com)

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