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来源:安省政府   更新:2015-07-29 06:58:29   作者:安省政府
Weddings are joyous occasions, but planning one is not always simple.
Among the endless to-do lists and countless decisions to be made, you also need to make sure that your paperwork is in order, and that the person you’ve asked to perform your marriage ceremony is authorized to perform marriages in Ontario. 
ServiceOntario can help ensure your wedding goes off without a hitch.
Finding an officiant
If you are planning a religious ceremony, make sure to check ServiceOntario’s list of authorizied religious officiants. A religious officiant needs to be registered under the Marriage Act to ensure that your marriage is performed legally.
If you’re planning a civil ceremony, a judge, justice of the peace or authorized municipal clerk can perform the ceremony.
Getting your marriage licence
Visit your local city hall, town hall or municipal office to purchase a marriage licence. You’ll need two pieces of government-issued identification for each person getting married. For each person, one piece of ID must include a photo. If you are remarrying after a divorce, you will also need to have official proof of the divorce.
To register your marriage, you and your spouse, the witnesses and the person who performed the marriage will need to sign the licence immediately after the ceremony. The officiant will then send a complete and signed marriage licence to ServiceOntario.
Ordering your marriage certificate
After your wedding day, ServiceOntario is the best place to get your Ontario marriage certificate. Any other companies offering Ontario certificates collect your information, fill out ServiceOntario forms and charge you extra for it.
Visit ServiceOntario.ca/MarriageCertificate to order your marriage certificate. It’s faster, safer and cheaper.
On average, 59,000 marriages take place every year in Ontario.
ServiceOntario issues approximately 110,000 marriage certificates and certified copies of marriage registrations every year.
ServiceOntario is your one-stop connection to Ontario government services. Visit ServiceOntario.ca to find out more about your online service options.
Read more on getting married in Ontario.
(Source: The Government of Ontario)
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