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Tips for Keeping Campfires Safe

来源:安省政府   更新:2015-07-21 09:55:21   作者:安省政府
Tips for Keeping Campfires Safe

Courtesy of Government of Ontario        Camping

Sitting around a campfire with family and friends can be a great way to enjoy Ontario's beautiful outdoors.

Here are some tips on how to keep your campfires safe.

Choosing a site

Pick a site that is close to a water source and sheltered from the wind

Build your fire on a rock surface or bare dirt

Build the fire at least three metres away from logs, stumps, trees and overhanging branches

Make sure the fire is 15 metres away from buildings or tents.

Preparing the site

Clear a space about two metres wide

Remove pine needles, grass, leaves and twigs

Ensure you have a pail of water and a shovel to control the fire.

Building your campfire

Keep the fire smaller than one metre high and one metre wide

Small fires are safer, easier to control and easier to put out

A small fire will also keep cooking tools from blackening and let you get close enough to cook.

Stay nearby

Never leave a campfire unattended

If you start a campfire, make sure you keep it under control and put it out before you leave.

Putting the fire out

Use the following steps to put out your fire:

Pour lots of water on the campfire

Stir the ashes with a stick

Pour on more water.

Repeat these three steps until:

The ashes don't hiss

Everything looks wet

No more smoke comes from the ashes.

Fire safety tips for kids

Always have an adult supervise when you're around a fire

Never play with matches or fireworks

If you see a fire burning with no people near it, tell an adult immediately.

One last tip – don't forget the S'mores!




In 2014, 61.3 per cent of forest fires in Ontario were caused by humans.

During the camping season, Ontario experiences an average of at least one wildfire every day caused by an unextinguished or unattended campfire.

On average, over 200 wildfires are started every year by people participating in recreational activities in forested areas.




More campfire tips

Be FireSmart

Current forest fire situation update

Current forest fire hazard

Outdoor fire rules and permits

Learn to Camp recipes

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