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另类政策研究中心为加拿大最适合女性居住的城市排名 维多利亚市名列第一多伦多居中游

来源:贴心姐妹网    更新:2015-07-16 10:52:45   作者:贴心姐妹网
另类政策研究中心为加拿大最适合女性居住的城市排名 维多利亚市名列第一多伦多居中游

图/加拿大另类政策中心    加拿大另类政策中心研究报告根据女性和男性地位差异对加拿大25个城市进行排名

加拿大另类政策中心(Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)的一份研究报告,根据女性和男性在5个领域的表现和境遇:经济保障、领导职位、健康、个人安全和教育,对加拿大最大的25个城市进行了排名。





Economic Security

Employment rates in Toronto are in line with the national average as is thegap in men’s and women’s levels of employment, with an employment rate of 67% for men and 59% for women. The median wage gap is also average, with women earning 77% of what men earn overall. However, when only full-time workers are considered, Toronto goes farther than most cities in narrowing the gap, with full-time women workers earning 84% of the averagefull-time male income.

Toronto has one of the highest rates of poverty of the 25 cities measured and the gap in men’s and women’s levels of poverty is larger than average, with 16% of men and 18% of women living below the Low Income Measure.

Educational Attainment

Women in Toronto are more likely than men to have completed high school, college or university. Toronto has one of the most highly educated populations, coming second only to Ottawa, with 28% of women and men holding university degrees. Men are more likely than women to have completed trades training and apprenticeships (7% compared with 4%).


Women make up a third of all elected officials in the City of Toronto and its outlying regional municipalities. Women fare better outside of politics, making up 36% of senior managers in the city.


Life expectancy in Toronto is higher than the Canadian average and, as is typically the case, women live slightly longer lives (85 years compared to 80 for men). Men are more likely than women to rate their health as very good or excellent (64% compared with 54%), and women in Toronto are slightly more likely to report high levels of stress in their lives (29% compared with 26% among men). Rates of screening for cervical cancer are average, with 66% of women reporting they had a Pap smear in the last three years.

Personal Security

The rates of sexual assault and intimate partner violence reported to the police in Toronto are lower than average. The police recorded 2,253 incidents of sexual and domestic

violence perpetrated against women in 2013 in Toronto. However, because 90% and 70% of all incidents of sexual and domestic violence respectively go unreported, these numbers do not reflect actual levels of violence. Police-reported levels of violence are also influenced by municipal police practices.

The most accurate way to measure levels of sexual and domestic violence is through self-reporting surveys. The current surveys don’t sample a large enough portion of the population to provide estimates at the municipal level. Provincially, 6.2% of Ontarians report having experienced domestic violence in the past five years and 2.4% report having experienced a sexual assault in the same period.



For women, life is better in Victoria, Gatineau, Quebec City, Montreal, new study says

《維多利亞最宜女性生活 滑鐵盧全國最差 多市排12位列中游》

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