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上届泛美运动会羽毛球冠军李文珊在本届泛美运动会初赛告捷 希望在家乡万锦卫冕成功(带视频)

来源:贴心姐妹网    更新:2015-07-12 12:55:22   作者:贴心姐妹网
上届泛美运动会羽毛球冠军李文珊在本届泛美运动会初赛告捷 希望在家乡万锦卫冕成功(带视频)

图/万锦市政府  加拿大羽毛球选手李文珊在泛美运动会预赛中  

加拿大羽毛球选手李文珊昨天在于万锦市泛美运动会场馆Atos Markham Pan Am / Parapan Am Centre举行的泛美运动会羽毛球女子单打初赛中首战告捷,以2比0击败阿根廷选手Barbara Berruezo。







Transcript for “Canada’s Pan Am Hopefuls – Michelle Li” video
Video length: 3:24 minutes
The video begins with dynamic music playing in the background. A close-up of Michelle Li’s face appears on the screen with her name at the bottom of the screen and lighting effects. Michelle narrates.
NARRATOR: My name is Michelle Li. I was born in Hong Kong and then moved to Canada when I was six. I’m Canadian and I play badminton.
Various video frames of Michelle playing badminton are shown. The text “2015 Pan Am Michelle Li” appears at the bottom of the screen.
In the middle of the screen the text “Badminton Canada” appears.
Background changes to Michelle playing badminton in a gym.
NARRATOR: So I started badminton when I was eleven with my mom, just playing recreationally at a community centre just by my house. And when I was eleven, I didn’t really know that I would love badminton so much until, I guess, I met my coach now, Jennifer Lee.
Background changes to blue with a globe and glowing maple leaves. Michelle talks to the camera.
NARRATOR: I started taking lessons at her training centre and just from playing local tournaments, to playing provincial tournaments, to playing national tournaments, and then now international tournaments…it was her who kind of guided me along the path and made me realize my love for the sport.
Background changes to Michelle playing badminton in a gym.
NARRATOR: My goal for the 2015 Pan Am Games is definitely to medal, especially because it’s going to be in my hometown in Markham for badminton.
Background changes to blue with a globe and glowing maple leaves. Michelle talks to the camera.
NARRATOR: I definitely want to win gold in front of my friends and family. And last time in Guadalajara in 2011, I played singles and doubles and I was able to win gold for both.

Screen displays 2 gold medals.
Background changes to Michelle playing badminton in a gym.
NARRATOR: So this time I definitely want to keep the title for singles. When I found out that the next Pan Am Games is going to be in Toronto, I was really happy for sure because for once I get to compete—I get to perform—in front of my family and friends and to show them what I’ve been working for my whole life, pretty much.

Background switches between Michelle playing badminton and talking in front of a blue background with a globe and glowing maple leaves.
NARRATOR: It’s also a bad thing because I guess the pressure is on, but maybe having the pressure makes me want it even more and work even harder towards it. Because we’re just so much more multicultural…like other countries coming into Toronto just seeing maybe faces of their own culture, of their own religion, they may seem more at home. Just easier for them…just more comfortable for them to be around, and at the same time just meeting with different races too…that we’re so open to so many different races that they’re more open to us as well, so that’s also a good thing. Being a Canadian citizen, it definitely is a privilege. There’s a lot of benefits towards it and a lot of times I see very many people coming into Canada from different countries wanting to immigrate, and move to Canada, and just, I guess, have a life here in Canada. And for me to already be a citizen, I feel really honoured. Moving to Canada definitely changed who I was going to become, because—say if I grew up in Hong Kong—I would have been a totally different person. Just the morals that they teach here, just from kindergarten to say—my age now—is just so different than the morals they teach in other places. And I’m really glad that I’m Canadian because I feel like I’m a more well-rounded person because I grew up in Canada.

Background fades to black.
The Citizenship and Immigration Canada corporate signature and the copyright message “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, 2014” are displayed followed by the Canada wordmark.
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