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“我是Rachel Notley,谢谢你们选我当省长”

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-05-06 06:55:20   作者:贴心姐妹网
“我是Rachel Notley,谢谢你们选我当省长”
图/阿尔伯达省新民主党    阿尔伯达省新民主党党领、阿尔伯达省候任省长
“我是Rachel Notley,谢谢你们选我当省长。”Rachel Notley昨晚说。
今天早晨醒来前,很多加拿大人都不知道Rachel Notley是谁。
Rachel Notley昨晚创造了历史:在昨天的阿尔伯达省省选中,她带领的新民主党结束了保守党在阿尔伯达省长达44年的执政,成为多数党政府,她也成为阿尔伯达省新民主党首位省长。
很多加拿大人今天上午在问:Rachel Notley是谁?
Rachel Notley是一位劳工律师,曾为不同工会工作,为工人倡权,也曾担任不列颠哥伦比亚省司法厅长助理。她出身于政治世家,父亲是前阿尔伯达省新民主党领袖,不幸在45岁时遭遇空难身亡。Rachel Notley受母亲影响,自小就开始参与为弱者倡权的运动。她敢言敢为,曾在一个公共论坛挑战自己的父亲。
现年51岁的她是两个青少年的母亲,她的丈夫Lou Arab也为工会工作。
她和安大略省自由党党领韦恩、不列颠哥伦比亚省自由党党领简蕙芝(Christy Clark)一起,成为目前加拿大三个大省的省长。2013年,全国有六个省或特区的省长是女性,她们所管理地区的人口占了全国总人口的85%以上。而在这次阿尔伯达省省选中已宣布当选的53名新民主党省议员中有25名是女性,女性议员的比例达到了47%。这是近年来加拿大女性参政不断突破的又一个里程碑。
“我想,我们开创了一点历史。” Rachel Notley昨晚当选后在演讲中说:““我是Rachel Notley,谢谢你们选我当省长”。”
Rachel Notley当选后的演讲全文:

Well, I think we made a little history tonight!
Friends, change has finally come to Alberta: new people, new ideas, and a fresh start for our great province.
I have just spoken to Premier Jim Prentice.
Jim Prentice has served our province in many roles for many years, at the provincial and federal level, in government and in business.
I want to thank the Premier for the enormous contribution he has made to our province.
Whatever he will do in the next step in his journey, I know he will be thinking about how to build Alberta.
I have also just spoken to Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party.
Mr. Jean stepped into his job as leader only a few weeks ago.
And he now takes up his role as leader of the official opposition.
Brian, through your courage in the face of family tragedy, you have earned the respect of every Albertan. I’m looking forward to working with you.
I also spoke to Dr. David Swann.
David I thank you for your contribution, and for your commitment to your party and our province.
To everyone who ran as a candidate for every party in this election – and the thousands of volunteers who supported them – thank you for your dedication and sacrifice.
To my amazing campaign team, our candidates and our volunteers all across this province, thank you for your extraordinary efforts.
We did make a little history together tonight, didn’t we?
But most of all, to the people of Alberta thank you for putting your trust in our party.
I am deeply humbled.
I pledge to you that we will work every day to earn that trust.
You know it’s been said, you can’t go wrong if you stay in touch with the values and common sense of Albertans.
In this province, we’re optimistic, forward-looking, entrepreneurial, community–minded and careful with the family budget.
That’s the kind of government we’ll try to be.
To Alberta’s job creators, great and small – in the energy sector and in every sector – our government will be a good partner with you to grow our economy and to secure a more prosperous future for every Albertan in every community.
Together, we need to start down the road to a diversified and resilient economy, to end the boom and bust roller coaster ride we’ve been on for far too long.
It won’t happen overnight. But we must start, and we will.
To our province’s skilled and professional public servants; the teachers who inspire our children; the nurses and health care professionals who care for the sick; To everyone who gets up every day and contributes to a better province: we’re looking forward to working with you!
To Alberta’s Indigenous peoples: the trust we have been given tonight is a call to be better neighbours and partners.
I’m looking forward to consulting with you and learning from you.
Albertans have voted for change. One of the changes they voted for is a new kind of respect and a new relationship with their government.
Albertans across this province have told me they are tired of old, entitled approaches that leave them out of conversations about their livelihoods, about their services, about their families.
Whether you are a business leader, a union leader, a municipal leader, someone who leads in civil society, or a just plain Albertan – the Legislature belongs to you; the government belongs to you, and you will be treated with respect.
I’m looking forward to working with Prime Minister Harper on the many issues and projects that engage our province with the federal government.
And I’m also looking forward to partnering with all of Canada’s premiers, on many issues.
Including the need for a national approach to the environment, and to Canada’s energy sector, that builds bridges and opens markets – instead of giving us a black eye.
To every Albertan: Spring has arrived.
A new day has begun.
You have voted for change – for better public health care, for better schools and for good family-supporting jobs.
We will answer your call.
The challenges are great – and there will be bumps along the way. But I pledge to you that I will always work to keep your trust. The values that built this great province – hard work, grit, and faith in a better tomorrow - will endure in your new government.
Let me conclude by thanking my family for the love and patience and support you have always given me.
Tonight, I am also thinking of my father.
I’m sorry he couldn’t see this.
How proud he would be. How proud he would be of the province we all love.
My name is Rachel Notley. Thank you for electing me as your Premier.
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