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—— 第三选区市民萧振华致万锦市议会的书面发言
来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-02-13 10:27:57   作者:萧振华(Alick Siu)
我写信支持Karen Rea的“公开所有关大型体育馆的报告”的动议,前提是在法律允许的情况下。但是,我质疑这个动议的动机。这是不是只是为了实现一个竞选承诺?
I am writing in support Karen's motion of "Make all reports related to the GTA Arena public" as long as legally permitted. However, I am also questioning the motive of this motion.  Is it only to fulfill election promise?
In 2013 summer, Councillor Jim Jones launched the GTA centre survey and was supported by Markham Citizen Coalition of Responsive Government MCCRG with many volunteers who planned to run as candidates including councillor Karen Rae in Markham election 2014.  
The GTA centre survey used biased questions that led readers to believe, if not brainwash  that "the project will only benefit the private sector and not the public sector who will have to pay for it".  This biased survey has not only unearthed the NIMBY side of citizens in the name of saving taxpayer's money but also emotionally charged many citizens negatively and in so doing creating animosity between citizens and those council member who were supporting further rational discussion on project of this scale tied to the unprecedented public private partnership investment. 
I have personally been harassed, confronted, sworn at multiple ocassions and in many way equivalent to "bully" by people who opposed the GTA centre / MSCEE PPP framework.  This attitude reveberates, a Thornhill citizen who thought that it was OK to aggressively confronted Mayor Frank Scarpitti in a meeting which required security to intercede during the confrontation. 
We live in adversarial system that believes in rational argument based on fact to support or to oppose.  The discussion will no longer be constructive once emotion takes ownership which will only result in irrational conversation buoyed by a strong sense of entitlement.
Since there is no 100% privately funded proposal for the GTA center prior to the deadline in June 2014, the GTA centre project is presumably no longer on the council table.   I am unclear what is on the agenda of councillor Karen Rae after the GTA centre / MSCEE reports are disclosed. Will it create another episode of citizen confrontation which will further divide those who support verses those who oppose.  Or, will it trigger a series of internal campaigns for political gain?  What is the real benefit here?
我不知道市议员Karen Rae在公开文件后的动机。我不清楚这是否会进一步造成市民冲突,进一步分化支持(大型体育馆计划的)市民和反对(大型体育馆计划的)市民?或者,这是否将触发一系列以获得政治上的收益而进行的内部争斗?这究竟有什么益处?
我鼓励所有议员谨慎处理,避免市议会陷入瘫痪状态。议会有责任平衡地代表市民和城市的利益。市议员不应该鼓励市民为了自己的利益微观管理议会的事务。如果你们认为72.5亿元是关乎公众利益的事,我们是否也应该调查区域议员Jim Jones在没有征询公众意见的情况下花费在Markham Life、 MISTA项目上的100多万元?
I encourage all council member to proceed with cautious and be mindful to the potential dysfunction of Markham council. It is Council's DUTY to represent citizen and city interest in balance.  Council members should not encourage citizens to micro-manage council matters for their own gain.  If you think the $725,000 spent on the GTA Centre / MSCEE project is matter of public interest then we should also be investigating the Councillor Jones' $1 million plus spent on Markham Life, MISTA without public consultation. 
We live in a country that values rule of law. Let the Municipal Act and City By-laws govern council matters.  Let the Commissioner Of Integrity step in should foul play exist such as in-camera meetings content or confidential information being leaked to the public.
I also recommend that the City to enforce a City/Citizen code of conduct in any meeting in our Civic Centre to discourage confrontation, to maintain order and to protect people.  We have the right to speak and express our opinions without fear and intimidation.  It's our democratic right  -- A right that should not be subverted by group of people who oppose or support certain issue such as the GTA centre agressively
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