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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2014-03-06 10:58:08   作者:贴心姐妹网
一名男子在WestJet航空公司女机长Carey Smith Steacy驾驶的飞机上留下“女性不应该做机长”的性别歧视言论。女机长在脸书上还击:“女性可以进入任何领域”。
这名名为David的男子在一张纸巾上写道:“飞机驾驶舱不是女人该进入的地方。女人最尊贵的角色是做母亲,不是做机长。这是Proverbs 31(的训诫)。抱歉,(我的言论)政治不正确。”
Carey Smith Steacy拍摄了写有此言论的纸巾,将它放在脸书上,并对此言论进行了还击:“我不同意你的驾驶舱不属于女性的观点。事实上,没有领域不再属于女性。”
To @David in 12E on my flight #463 from Calgary to Victoria today. It was my pleasure flying you safely to your destination. Thank you for the note you discreetly left me on your seat. You made sure to ask the flight attendants before we left if I had enough hours to be the Captain so safety is important to you, too. I respectfully disagree with your opinion that the “cockpit” (we now call it the flight deck as no cocks are required) is no place for a lady. In fact, there are no places that are not for ladies anymore. I have heard many comments from people throughout my 17 year career as a pilot. Most of them positive. Your note is, without a doubt, the funniest. It was a joke, right? RIGHT?? I thought, not. You were more than welcome to deplane when you heard I was a “fair lady.” You have that right. Funny, we all, us humans, have the same rights in this great free country of ours. Now, back to my most important role, being a mother.
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